

He is wearing his typical work clothes today; t-shirt, blue jeans, and a blue plaid flannel shirt. He will be helping some men unload a logging truck. Though not sure what to do, he trusts that the other men will lead and guide the process. Chains are used to secure a log and lift it off the truck. Suddenly a chain snaps and the uncontrolled log crashes to the ground. A man loses his life.

He blames himself for the death. He accepts the guilt dumped in his spirit and wraps it around him tightly. He does not know how to process it, how to deal with it, and he allows the unresolved guilt to become the predominant focus in his life. Every day. Day after day. He pushes away the people in his life who care about him. He rejects their love. He does not deserve to be loved or forgiven. The guilt has grown in layers and directs his decisions.

He begins a relationship with a woman who does not love him or respect him. He stays with her and lets her use him and mistreat him and take everything from him that he can give, destroying ties with his family and friends and coworkers. Love has become a twisted warped form of self-inflicted punishment. The guilt has now imprisoned his heart and soul. He will die in this bondage without divine intervention.

There is no way out without Christ. No healing without Christ. No freedom without Christ.

Holy Father, hear the silent cries of those in torment. Open the eyes and hearts of the spiritually blind to understand the Truth. Soften their hardened hearts. Enable them to ask and receive Your forgiveness. Restore their broken lives. Heal their minds and emotions. Give them the ability to accept hope and love from Above. Today is the day of salvation. Come, Lord, and heal your people. In Jesus’ name, Amen.