

Scott could take my breath away with the stroke of a pen or a simple gesture.

Sometimes his ideas surprised me unexpectedly.  While browsing through Christmas decorations in a local store, he stopped in front of the garland.  I was looking at the ornaments on display, aware of him in my peripheral vision.  I heard the soft jingle of bells and turned to look in his direction.  He was smiling at me while gently shaking a strand of bead garland with red and green bells attached.  He asked me if I would like a jingle bell curtain for the doorway of our home office. 

Intrigued by his suggestion, I watched him secure the garland to a small tension rod with red and green cord, allowing the strands to hang in measured lengths.  He positioned the bead curtain inside the top of the door frame and waited for my response.  I liked the sound of the bells as I moved through the doorway and shared my appreciation for his efforts.  Though playful and fun on the surface, the bells struck a chord deep inside.

As a young child we moved around a lot while living with Dad.  During a visit in my 20s, he drove around Beaumont through the neighborhoods where we had lived in the past.  I had no memory of these places, but I remembered hearing a church bell ringing on Sunday mornings. The jingle bell garland triggered that memory and I wondered why the connection now, at this particular time.

I did not hang the curtain the December after Scott’s move to heaven, or the following year.  As I unpacked our decorations the next Christmas season, I spotted the container holding the curtain rod. Removing the lid, I lifted the rod and allowed the strands to unfurl, the bells jingling easily with movement.

Revelation dawned and tears began to fall softly.  The church bell had summoned believers to the Lord’s house.  God had been calling me to Him through Scott’s love, words, and kindness.  I sat in awe, gently touching the bells, soaking in His love.