A Seed For The Future


Most of my blogs are about my love story with Scott.  I write to enhance the book, to expound on our story, to give glory to God for His rescue and extraordinary love and grace.  Even now, 5+ years after Scott’s move to heaven, God continues to reveal nuggets from my relationship with Scott.  I wrote in the book that death brings revelations that are released after loss. 

One such moment occurred during our marriage.  It was a Saturday in 2010, before the winter months.  I say that because I remember the shirt Scott was wearing, and he always wore it with shorts and his favorite sandals.  We were working around the house and I was in our home office, probably dusting, and he was in the kitchen.  The day was pleasant, nothing special going on, just daily life.  My mind was in rest mode and I was at peace while I worked.  Out of the blue, I heard a question.  The five words were not spoken out loud though I heard them clearly.  I stood still without moving, waiting, not understanding.  I quickly rebuked the words and assured the Lord that thought had not come from my heart, thanking Him again for my blessings.  I did not share the words with Scott or anyone else at that time, and the incident moved to the back of my mind as I continued working without further interruption.  Time passed, Scott relocated to heaven, and life changed dramatically.

The question jogged my memory earlier this year.  Revelation came with clarity, correcting my initial misinterpretation.  On that day in 2010, those words were not from my mind or heart; rather, God was asking me this question about my life. 

God has continued to teach and guide me in my relationship and discovery of Him over these past few years.  He has filled the voids in my heart and replaced loss with love and joy.  My gaze is on the horizon with anticipation for the future.  For me, God has been about change and doing, not getting settled and staying comfortable.  There is much work to be done in these last days, and I do not want to miss a step in my role that God has planned. 

I believe these words, planted by God in 2010, will define my next book when it is time to write the continuation of my journey.  Now I am asking God, “Is this all there is?”