
The power went off on Tuesday morning, July 10, 2013, at 5:00 a.m., and I awakened immediately. “Oh no!” was my first thought. The weather forecast had predicted another hot summer day and it would not take long for the cool of the evening to be replaced by the heat of the day inside my place. Thankfully the electricity was restored about an hour and 15 minutes later, and I was able to enjoy hot fresh coffee and breakfast.

The next day, Wednesday morning, I suddenly woke up and I was wide awake. I was thinking, “Why am I waking up at this time of the morning?”, when the power immediately went off. My bedroom was blanketed in darkness. I got up and opened the blind. The complex was dark and the streets lights were off so not much light from outside was available in my second-story window. I laid back down on the bed, totally awake, amazed that this was happening again this morning.

Suddenly my bedroom window was completely filled with white. This was not a light shining in; rather, the entire window gleamed white. In astonishment, I watched as the brightness moved onto the ceiling further into the room and then withdrew. I jumped out of bed and moved to the window. What was happening? I thought perhaps a service truck had entered the drive. No one was outside. The buildings in the complex remained dark.

Small bright flashes of white were moving around the complex, especially across from my building and in the parking area around my vehicle. I watched in stunned amazement. These did not appear to be blinking lights. These spots were more like splashes of bright white in constant movement. They disappeared as fast as they reappeared, sometimes darting in a blur sideways or diagonally from one position to another. They continued to move under and through the mature trees and across the grounds. I watched in fascination without fear, rooted to the floor.

I asked the Holy Spirit if this was from the spiritual realm. There was no direct response, but I sensed His Presence. Uncertain of how to respond, I began singing some hymns while these pops of brightness continued to dance around outside in the dark; “Bless the Lord O My Soul”, “Blessed Assurance”, “Nothing But The Blood”, while watching from the window. I sat down on the bed and kept singing. I checked my watch with a flashlight I kept by the bed and the time was 5:00 a.m. I looked out the window and the moving bright spots of white were still there. I continued singing and laid back down. Surprisingly a light passed across my window. I got up and checked the window again. Did a vehicle drive through the complex? There was no vehicle. The dancing lights were still present but seemed to be decreasing in number.

As I watched, the lights disappeared. Using my flashlight, I read Psalms 37 and 23. I turned off the flashlight and laid down. The power immediately was restored and I got up to look out the window. Street lights were on now and all appeared as usual. The time on my watch read 5:30 a.m. While everything appeared the same outside, nothing felt the same inside.

Later that morning I walked outside to look around and discovered a penny on my front walk. I picked it up, in wonder of the early morning activity. Unanswered questions flooded my mind. I felt protective of what I had experienced and only trusted one person enough to share the details; a woman at church who was assigned to me as a mentor on the prayer team. She was the only one not present on the night of the hot seat interrogation, which I have shared previously in a separate writing. She was encouraging and reassuring as I spoke of the angelic visitation.

I have revisited that morning more than nine years ago periodically since then. Yesterday God brought the visitation to mind in glorious detail and I was compelled to write and share. This will be included in my upcoming book.
