Seven Years

Walking through the produce section, I passed a middle-aged man and woman pushing a cart. He stopped suddenly and said, “That’s a heavy class ring you’re wearing around your neck!” He turned to the woman beside him with a slight smirk on his face. I glanced at her momentarily before speaking. Sensing her discomfort, I smiled brightly and explained the miraculous return of the ring following my husband’s move to heaven. As I spoke, the smirk changed to a more somber expression and he began fidgeting, anxious to move on.  

I have wondered how different life would be if Scott were still alive. Not in sadness, but in idle speculation. Probably we would have settled down and moved past the googly-eyed excitement of our precious few years together! Gratitude has deepened tremendously for God’s grace in bringing love to our parched hearts. Sometimes I think Scott understood more than I did and was ahead of me in his walk with God, though he looked to me for guidance. So many layers in a relationship and we just barely scratched the surface, but it was enough for God’s purpose.

Everyone connected to Scott holds a different perspective, their special memories, their unique roles in his life, from childhood to adulthood. He remains part of my daily thoughts, not focused or fixated, but threaded in my journey with the Lord. I find myself comparing who I am versus who I was when I met this amazing man from God. Most people believe my story ended with the loss of Scott; however, spiritually speaking, that was the beginning. The more I learn and the more He reveals, the more of Him I want.

Scott will always be part of my testimony, and I delight in sharing our love story with others. All glory to God, who orchestrated our meeting, guided our relationship to Goshen, and carried me through the deep, dark valley that followed. The greatest love in life comes from God. There is no comparison, not even a true-life Cinderella fairy tale.

I wonder if Scott is celebrating his arrival in heaven seven years ago! I rejoice that he is with the Lord for all eternity. A new chapter is beginning in my story, and I am walking with God down this road, holding onto His hand, trusting His love. I continue to wear the class ring as a sign of God’s faithfulness and power. Nothing is lost to Him. Nothing is impossible with Him.