God Is Faithful

December 9, 2017, was my third day of bell ringing for the Salvation Army in Knoxville. Because of my work schedule during the week, I was only able to ring on the weekend. I worked each Saturday, 10 am to 8 pm, during the Christmas season that year. The bell ringers gathered at the main office downtown and then were transported by vans to their designated locations. Each Saturday I rang at a different locale, and that day I was assigned to a grocery store on Cedar Bluff at Kingston Pike.

I wore my usual attire for outdoor cold weather—three shirts, two pair of pants, two pair of socks, gloves, ear warmers, Santa hat, Christmas scarf, blinking necklace and earrings, with my winter coat, and added the traditional red apron at the kettle. Before starting my shift, I prayed over all the kettles, asking God to bless the Salvation Army’s fundraising efforts, to bless the generosity of givers, and to bless every bell ringer. Foot traffic was consistently busy throughout the day, with many shoppers donating to the kettle.

Time had passed comfortably into the late afternoon. Suddenly I became aware of the temperature dropping as the sun was setting. The cold descended on me like a blanket. I noticed it in my arms first and then throughout my body. I was surprised, because the clothing I was wearing typically kept me warm on cold nights. And then I remembered a previous conversation with another bell ringer.

Our initial meeting at the beginning of the season was held at the main office. The large room was filled with rows of tables and chairs. People chose a seat at random as they entered the room before the information meeting started. An older bell ringer sitting nearby spoke in greeting. We talked a bit, and she shared some information with me as a new ringer. She said sometimes people would buy her hot coffee on cold days and it was acceptable to receive such a gift. She reminded me that we were not allowed to accept any money, which was covered in the rules at the meeting as well.

I was almost shivering as the woman’s kind words replayed in my mind. I had no cash on me; indeed, my paycheck was in my pocket and I would need to cash it for gas, before driving home later in the evening. I lifted my head and looked up at the night sky. I prayed silently, sharing my situation and the other volunteer’s words, and then asked for divine help. God had become my source in the years since Scott’s move to heaven, and I trusted His care of my needs.

Before long, a young woman came out of the store and brought me a small hot chocolate! I thanked her profusely and then thanked God. I knew this was from Him! The hot chocolate disappeared quickly and I could feel the warmth beginning to spread as I finished the last sip. Soon afterwards, an older gentleman stopped at the kettle and said he would like to buy me something hot to drink. I replied that a small hot chocolate or coffee, whichever was cheaper, would be nice. “Humph!” was his response as he turned and walked into the store. He returned shortly carrying a tall cup and said he had brought me something special, a snickerdoodle hot chocolate with whipped cream! Wow! I thanked him repeatedly, and he smiled at my response. Then I looked up and thanked God. Laughter was beginning to bubble up inside. I was thawing out and felt much better. A short time later, a young family brought me a small coffee, without asking first! Their young children were wide-eyed at my appearance with the blinking lights as I accepted the very kind gift. I was completely warm by now and in awe of God’s answer to my prayer. Unbelievably, a fourth person stopped and asked if they could buy me something hot to drink. I refused politely and explained that someone had just given me some coffee. Laughing, I thanked God once again and asked Him to bless every kind heart that had provided hot refreshment. I finished my shift wrapped in the warmth of God’s love.

The van returned to pick me up on time. The driver unlocked the kettle from the stand and as he lifted it off the hook, he remarked that it was the heaviest kettle of the night. The other ringers were already on board for the ride back to the main office. Once I reached my vehicle, I returned to the grocery store to cash my check, continuing to thank God.

The customer service clerk explained that earlier in the day the system had not allowed her to cash other Salvation Army checks but that she would try again with mine. I prayed silently while she completed the process. We were both excited when the transaction was approved! Now I had gas money for the long drive ahead and another day’s needs were met. The ride home was filled with tears as I sang to God in praise and gratitude.

Later that night, I noted these words in my journal:

“His praise brought givers and donations to the kettle.

His kindness provided the warm drinks.

His love translated into favor to cash the check for my needs.”

God is faithful.