Christina’s Love Basket

A few weeks after “Showered By Grace” was published in 2015, I received my first shipment of printed books. In surreal wonder I opened the oversized heavy cardboard box and gazed at the stacks of books inside. My name printed in red on the front cover captured my attention as I removed the first book out of the box. I thumbed through the pages, reading the familiar words on the back cover in delighted awe. Gazing at the image on the front, I recalled the photographer and events preceding publication, in profound gratitude to God. Images of the book title on bestseller lists danced through my head as my heart jumped in glee! I read through the acknowledgements and prologue, in humbled awareness, once again, of being showered by His grace.

“Angel Sue”, as she is known in the book, who became a part of my journey following the death of Scott, shared my excitement over the release. She facilitated two book signings for the July 4th weekend in 2016; one at “The Electric Brew” in Goshen, Indiana, and the other at “Das Dutchman Essenhaus” in Middlebury, where Scott and I were married. Sue and her husband welcomed me into their home for the few days I would be in town. I planned to leave Sunday morning following early service at the church I had attended previously with Scott.

I felt like an official author as I prepared for the momentous weekend ahead, making checklists for travel, scheduling time off from work, and servicing my vehicle before the trip. I packed my “FUN” bag with props for the book signing, including the tablecloth, runner, coffee box, and a garland to attach to the tablecloth with the words, “when love comes knocking”, a creative gift of love from Sue.

I had shared with everyone about the upcoming events including my prayer warrior friend, Christina. She had been a part of my journey since our initial meeting in 2013 at the church we both attended at that time. Many steps, many changes, many cups of coffee later, our friendship had grown beyond occasional social interaction into a spiritual connection neither of us had ever experienced; truly a God appointment. We celebrated our good days and ministered to each other through the difficult days. We faithfully covered our families and each other in prayer on a regular basis. Grief had continued up to this point.

Our communication was primarily via email, and occasionally we scheduled phone time when we could talk more than a few minutes. We had never called each other while at work, so I was very surprised when she phoned that Wednesday afternoon on June 29. She asked if I could meet her downstairs in the building lobby where I worked and explained she just needed a few minutes. I hurried down to meet her and to my great surprise she was holding a basket by the handle in one hand and her granddaughter’s hand in the other. She smiled brightly and hugged me in greeting, and I was introduced to the sweet young lady by her side. Christina explained that they had been grocery shopping in anticipation of my trip to Indiana and wanted to bring me a special love basket for my drive the next day.

I listened in amazement as she showed me the contents. A handwritten note was attached to every item in the basket. The contents on top hid more delights underneath, each with its own note of love. She had included a cup of plastic utensils, napkins, and a devotional book. Food for the body as well as the spirit. Tears welled as she spoke. Mere words were inadequate to express my shocked gratitude at this degree of thoughtfulness. She then added a sealed envelope with instructions to open later. In stunned disbelief, I said good-bye to her granddaughter and hugged my friend, and returned to the office. I marveled at the basket while I worked during the remainder of the afternoon, incredulous at her unexpected generosity of heart.

The next morning I arose early and loaded everything in my vehicle that I would need for the trip. Christina’s love basket was placed in the front seat within reach, and I left the notes attached. Her handwriting with the smiley faces lifted me during the long drive to Northern Indiana. I did not stop for food, choosing instead the healthy snacks provided that were covered by Christina’s prayers. The love expressed through the notes traveled with me, and I arrived awake, alert, and refreshed. The book signings and the visits with friends and my father-in-law throughout the weekend were beautiful blessings from God. I left Goshen that Sunday morning free from the grief of the past five years following Scott’s move to heaven as well as the grief from the remote past. My heart was light and my spirit was surging with the joy of freedom.

Some treats remained in the basket for the return trip, and those carried me back to Knoxville. In spite of constant rain during most of the drive, the handwritten notes reminded me of the great love contained in the basket.

I saved all the notes and placed them in my special memory box once I arrived home, serving as a physical reminder of God’s amazing healing love. Christina’s love basket proved to be a gift from our Holy Father’s heart.